• Jun 26 2023 - 07:47
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On the occasion of the fifth of Tir:

Conversation with Vice President of Gerash University of Medical Sciences on the occasion of World Anti-Drug Day

Dr. Javad Mohaghegh, Vice President of Gerash University of Medical Sciences, on the occasion of the 5th of Tir World Anti-Narcotics Day, had a conversation with Vebda Gerash, which is as follows:

Drug addiction is one of the most important social, economic and health problems today, the complications of which involve different parts of the human society and have caused the downfall of many social, cultural and moral values. The dramatic increase in drug use in the world and its trafficking have terrible consequences for humanity and the young generation, which leads many people to death every day and makes the trafficking networks stronger and richer day by day.

Addiction must be treated both physically and psychologically, and if the treatment is not done in parallel, the probability of the disease returning and relapse is high. It should be noted that there is no specific treatment for all people. Different people have different needs and in order to achieve the goal and definitive treatment of addiction, a method should be planned according to the individual's situation and conditions.

Considering that addiction is a disease, scientific and specialized methods should be used to treat this disease.

In de-addiction clinics, the goal of de-addiction is the root and specialized treatment of addiction, and to achieve this goal, a variety of diagnostic methods, counseling, drug and non-drug treatments, drug detoxification, individual and group psychotherapy, etc.

De-addiction centers operate under the supervision of the University of Medical Sciences. There are two de-addiction centers in Gerash, one government center and one private center that are operating and serving drug addicts.
The working tool of addiction treatment centers for addicts is to use maintenance treatment with opioid agonist drugs, which means replacing the patient's use of illegal opioid drugs with a therapeutic opioid drug under the supervision of a doctor. Contrary to popular belief, maintenance treatment with agonists does not turn one addiction into another, maintenance treatment reduces many of the side effects of drug use. From this point of view, it is considered an ideal tool to reduce damage.
In order to be in this direction, the University of Medical Sciences has put its efforts in diagnosing, attracting and increasing the number of drug addicts in the city for treatment.
Currently, 509 drug addicts are being treated at the government center and 120 drug addicts are being treated at the private center. Out of this number of addicted patients under treatment, the majority are married men in the age group of 30-40 years, which include 60% of native patients and 40% of non-native patients. They have an undergraduate education and 67% of these people stated that the reason for their inclination and first use was in a friendly crowd.
In addition to services based on national protocols, the government addiction treatment center of the University of Medical Sciences provides other services, the most important of which is the two-stage implementation of the university HIV and hepatitis B and C disease prevention plan for patients covered by addiction treatment centers and camp travelers, preparation and distribution Livelihood packages for 140 poor drug addict families under the government addiction treatment center with the cooperation of health benefactors, the activation of a scientific-research committee regarding the fight against drugs in the university, etc., has been done for this target group.
  • News group : Exclusive news
  • News code : 13224
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