Done this morning
Meeting of the President of Medical Sciences of Garash and members of the Board of Directors with the President of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
In this meeting, Dr. Mohsenzadeh presented a comprehensive report on the performance of Garash University of Medical Sciences and the performance of donors.
Done this morning
The visit of the president of Gerash University of Medical Sciences to the hospital projects
In this visit, the deputy of development, the deputy of treatment, and the director of the hospital accompanied the president of the university.
On the occasion of National Diabetes Week
Diabetes training workshop was held at Gerash University of Medical Sciences
In this educational workshop, Dr. Habibollah Mohammadjani, an internal medicine specialist, and Mrs. Shadmani, a nutritionist, discussed the causes and factors of diabetes, prevention, treatment, and nutrition
Webda Gerash
Jahadi camp of medical science students in Mohammad Zeina village
This week's camp has been organized with the help of the center of jihadi camps of the university and with the cooperation of student mobilization, university health deputy, district administration, sisters' seminary and Mohammad Zeina village council.
On the occasion of the Iranian Womens Health National Week
Walk and healthy food festival for women of Gerash medical sciences
This festival was organized by the efforts of the Vice-Chancellor of Health and Women's Affairs of the University of Medical Sciences and especially for the women employees of the Medical Sciences Complex.